05 March 2009

Sibling without the Rivalry

How many children can an inner city dweller realistically have without feeling the strain? It has been documented that the cost of raising one child in the UK from birth to the age of 21 is approximately £200,000.

There is also the question of space. Both external and internal. Will parents have enough parks, playgrounds or traffic free walkways? At home, will there be enough bedrooms to enable each child to have privacy?

Parenting a group of squabbling children after a long day at work is not the first choice of many but this is what inevitably happen once in a while if the home is not big enough and there are two or more siblings.

Solutions may include boarding schools , whether weekly or full time. Parents can explore scholarship or bursary options for their children. Limiting the amount of children one has is a choice that some people living in the inner cities are making.

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